Leon Pendarvis bought his dad's Good Humor truck (built 1966), refurbished it, then hit the streets to sell ice cream. Dressed nattily and always in good humor himself, Leon brings more than cold'n'creamy refreshment to the West Village. Leon, here's to you, buddy!
Wow, that brings back memories.
That's too cool. (pun intended)
Our ice cream truck is nowhere near that nostalgic...or clean.
Does yours play really loud calliope music to lure the children from their homes?
That's so cute! I just see them in pictures and cartoons, of course, but I haven't in ages. Ours are just carts pushed by someone on foot or, at the most, on a bicycle. But the advantage is, he can go in even the narrowest alley. ;)
not sure if Leon plays music....not sure he needs to!
I'll have an ice cream sandwich and an orange push-up please...
Gimme a ice cream, man. Doan mess aroun'. I got yo back and I will shirley shiv it if you doan gimme no ice cream.
I don't believe my eyes! We had one guy who would pull into the driveway next door. My father would peel off dollar bills from his money clip in the same manner a perv in a strip club does for a lap dance! I would be sent for numerous items, he was the coolest Dad. (Don't get me started with the Carvel stories!)
I'll have a bonjoy swirl, wait make that a toasted almond! Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
My husband wants to know if he has the bells like when we were kids!s
Hello, you site is very funny he told me to cheer up .. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, may all your wishes come true!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, may all your wishes come true!
Really interesting article. Hope to see same more!
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