Washington Square Park regulars have been waiting for what seems like two years to get a glimpse at the new fountain. Last night it was up and running for what I think was the first time. So did the many onlookers who expressed surprise. Now if only Bloomie would get his ass downtown to open the west side of the park (and no doubt take credit for it)...and let the east side "renovations" begin.
Delightful photo Ken.
I think it looks delightful! Or maybe it's just your wonderful photo. I love that deep blue evening sky.
oooooooooooh aaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Gorgeous shot!
Beautiful. When I lived on E.17th in the late 70s we couldn't imagine a fountain like this. (Or Union Square being safe AND popular.)
awesome shot. in the true vibe of Gotham.
Hey! Have not been here in awhile. Love the fountain opening in the park...I also caught up on the rest of your photos! Great windows into your world.
Looks very cool all lit up! Saw Bloomie on the news here taking credit for that monkey fossil! Lol!
Yeah!!Finally--I have to check it out!!Lovely photo.
Such a wide open space and so beautifully lit.
beautiful shot Ken!
Gorgeous pic... makes me want to spend time there.
The Blue Ridge Gal
You should post this pic every day.
I love great night shots, and this is one of them! Well done!
WonderFul Shot !! I Really Like The Blur Colour In The Sky!! Thanks For Sharing
Very nice ... I just hope it doesn't get so gentrified that you can't catch the buskers and pot-smokers on warm summer nights around 10 pm.
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