Saturday, June 25, 2011

The kids are allright.


Unknown said...

Cute picture. I like that the boy is bending down to his sisters level. Is that you at an earlier age?

-K- said...

I love everything about this - the boy's smile, his scrunching down to get into the photo but most of all, the girl's arm on his shoulder.

Ken Mac said...

these are my older brother and sister

Julie said...

Definitely a keeper, after all these years.

Xtreme English said...

Summer sunshine personified. Love this picture.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

They look truly happy in this moment.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Wow, that's older then me ... a photo be cherished forever ...

Birdman said...

"Hello in there."

sonia a. mascaro said...

They are lovely and look very happy!

Lynette said...

You've been having fun with either an old album or a shoe box full of photos, haven't you? Thanks for sharing this wonderful, wonderful one with us!

Banjo52 said...

Very nice. Big grinners, those two. Is this in Michigan?

Kitty said...

aw...very sweet. I love all the dimples!
Even the slight bits of dust on the photo are great.

Rune Eide said...

- and they never change :-)

Sharon Creech said...

This is so wonderful--for reasons others have mentioned above: the smiles, the boy leaning down, the girl's arm on the shoulder . . .and the sense that they love the photographer, too.

Anonymous said...

You know, at first I thought this was you, but saw the date and realized it couldn't be.

I'll bet all the girls had a crush on him. Maybe they still do.

Ken Mac said...

he mostly has a crush on himself...

Anonymous said...

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