This is smoke, not steam rising from a manhole cover on Wooster, near Canal (Chinatown). It was belching, burping, and rising forth. I called 311, three firetrucks came. Stand back! It's Con Ed's wires shorting out, said the fire guys. Soon, they went into a basement and the smoke stopped. Whew!
Lucky for you that it did not blow. I saw one blow once in Boston. Scared a few years out of me.
Good thing you saw it before!
whew! Responsible citizenship! AND you caught it on camera. The ballast stones are great... wonder how long they've been there and what ship(s) they traveled with?
Happy ending. I'm glad.
Good catch. Nice photo!
Good thing you were being aware.
Smart move Ken Mac.
Good call!
holy cow, Ken!
Good thing you were there and noticed!!
Nice foreground image.
Glad you called!
Fantastic blog.
I added to watch :)
I was searching blogs about New York but you're photos are magical !
Old,pretty New York :)
Greetings from Poland.
What ever it did or didn't do, that is a great shot!
Wow! At first sight I thought it was steam. So good you called 311!
Had three of them blow on New Years night on my street in Brooklyn. The fire department came, then ConEd... My power was interrupted several times of a few day period after the event.
Greetings from SF...where my turn of the century apartment building is on speed dial with SFPD...
You saved the city and you got the photo! Well done!
Contrast or Old and New in the cityscape, that's wonderful..
and the burping smoke from beneath in China Town smells something fishy going on...
Best wishes
hee hee...
A little drama, eh Ken Mac?!
Yikes! What a story! and image!
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